Senator Chafee's Impact on Rhode Island
Senator Chafee has had a real and lasting impact on Rhode Island throughout his 25 year career in politics. Unfortunately, most of that impact has been bad for the working families of Rhode Island.Senator Chafee supports the conservative economic policies of President Bush and opposes action that would really benefit the working families of Rhode Island. In fact, while in the Senate, Chafee voted with President George W. Bush and the conservative leadership 76% of the time.
Lincoln Chafee, along with George W. Bush, is responsible for the economic hardship facing Rhode Island today. Rhode Island is paying for the decisions and policies of the Bush years with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation.
In fact, in an effort to close the budget deficit that he in part helped to create during his time in the US Senate, Lincoln Chafee is proposing a wide-ranging tax increase on previously untaxed items.
Lincoln Chafee spent his years as US Senator voting for tax breaks and incentives for big corporations, and now he wants Rhode Island taxpayers to fix the state's budget deficit.
Learn more about Lincoln Chafee's real record as a US Senator. Call Lincoln Chafee at (401) 456-0003, and tell him to drop his proposed tax plan. Rhode Island is already paying the price for his votes as Senator.